Being fairly new to the Bluetick Breed but far from new to dogs. Our first girl came from Razor Ridge Blueticks. I can't tell you what a excellent choose that was for our first. After looking at a number of litters none striking me, I saw her father "PR" Razor Ridge Pop A Top Again and was hooked. Our girl UKC/AKC International CH"PR" MiOwn RazorRidge Ziptop has taken us on a whirl wind ride in the showring. Zoe as we call her was shown on a limited basic at Major shows and Events for her championships. Finishing her year out at #5 Owner Handled Bluetick for Eukanuba. Zoe finished her year at Eukanuba winning an Award of Excellence under Judge Mrs. Polly Smith also the judge along with her husband Mr Robert Smith both judges giving Zoe Major wins at the Virginia Hound Specialty. Zoe finished her Championship with 4 Majors before she was 15 months of age. Watch for Zoe in 2014, this girl is just getting started.