We never want to forget the dogs that have sadly left our life here at MiOwn Hounds.  They are the greats that made us what we are today.  They have built us, they where our teachers and most of all the heart and soul.   With out them I would not be where I am today.   To those great dogs I own my thanks to the success of the MiOwn Hounds. They where not all Coonhounds but all GREAT DOGS! Note: We changed our Kennel name in the 90's from Mystic to MiOwn. 

               The Great dogs gone but never forgotten an some still with us today in their retirement years

CH. Mystic Bridge to Riches (Boxer), CH. Arkona Megellan (Boxer),  CH Reno Make it so (Boxer) CH. Mystic Asian Dancer (Boxer) Ch Mystic Samsora (AM. Staff), CH Demnmars Durago (AmStaff), CH Mystic Missy Starting Over (Am Staff), CH Denmars Mystic Kiss Me Bobby (Am Staff) CH Denmars DJ (Am Staff)  CH Demnars Thunder (Am staff) CH Mystic Denmars Devonshire (Am staff) CH Pecan Mystic Silver Shot (Am Staff) CH MiOwn Some Lik it Hot (Redbone)  ch MiOwn I Caught you Looking (Redbone) CH MiOwn Making the Statement (Redbone) CH MiOwn Craftsman built to Last (Redbone)CH Rockytop MIOwn Tall Timber Sally (Black and tan) CH Iron Skillet (Black and Tan)